President Paul Von Hindenburg named Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) Party. The Nazi Party won a significant percentage of the vote in 1932’s elections. The Nazi’s made a propaganda campaign against its political opponents and the Jewish population. They blamed the Jews for Germany’s failure. The Nazis used a weekly newspaper called The Attackers as one of their major tools for their propaganda. In bold letters the newspaper text would say, “The Jews are our Misfortune.” The newspaper would make the Jews look like bad and weak people. It would belittle the Jewish population. About 500,000 copies were sold weekly. After Hitler became chancellor, he made new elections to get control of the entire German parliament for the Nazis. The Nazis arrested the leaders of other political parties and even banned their meetings. In 1933, the German parliament’s building was burned down. Many suspected it was the Nazis that did it, but they blamed it on the Communists in effect contributing to more votes for the Nazi Party. The fire was the signal of the end of Germany’s democracy. The government …show more content…
Freedom of the press, assembly, and expression were no longer active; the right to privacy was also taken away. On March 5, the Nazis had 44 percent of the vote plus 8 percent from the conservatives. They won a majority in the government. The Nazis slowly moved into a dictatorship. The Enabling Act was passed on March 23 letting Hitler become more of a dictator. The Secret State Police in Germany, the Gestapo, were given permission to arrest whoever they would like. Hitler’s personal bodyguard, the Protection Squad (Schutzstaffel), controlled the Gestapo and the concentration camps. With this, all of Nazi’s opponents were either beaten, or sent to a concentration camp where the Germans would incarcerate them. Dachav , was the first camp built specifically for political prisoners; it later changed its purpose and became another concentration camp for the annihilation of the Jews. Adolf Hitler was in complete control of Germany by the end of the 1934; his plan against the Jews was in