This form of cultural and racial intolerance was a foundation for global fascism, since it provided a means in which to utilize the police state and increased militarization in order to expand its borders and increase its dominance throughout Europe: “In this way, prescribed for them by history, Germany and Italy wish, in a world of unrest and disintegration, to carry out the assignment of making safe the foundations of European culture” (para.3). During the 1930s, Mussolini would become an icon for fascist ideology, which inevitably inspired Hitler to form the Aryan ideology as a motive for increased nationalism and militarism. More so, the Italo-German Alliance was another global link between fascist nations that would eventually embrace Japanese fascism as part of this larger Axis of powers before …show more content…
Under the leadership of Emperor Hirohito, the rise of military industrialism and extreme nationalism led to a colonial expansion of Japan into China and the Soviet Union. In the 1930s, japan aggressively attacked China in the Second Sino-Japanese War, which resulted in many millions of Chinese killed by the vastly superior military of the Japanese Navy and Army. The Nanking Massacre defines a culmination of the extreme nationalism and racist hatred of the Chinese people, which resulted in the rape, torture, and mutilation of Chinese women, men, and children in 1937-1938: ”Based on estimates made by historians and charity organizations in the city at the time, between 250,000 and 300,000 people were killed, many of them women and children” (“Scarred by History” para.1). In this scenario, the horrific brutality of Japanese aggression provides an important example of the increasing levels of fascism that were emanating from Emperor Hirohito and his generals during the Nanking Massacre. This unbridled form of wartime atrocity reveals the fascist element of Japan’s rise to power in the 1930s that resulted in the mass killing of Chinese and Russian people by a powerful military force. In this manner, Hitler and Mussolini’s fascism could also be seen in the popularity of nationalism and military industrialism that would bind