Media has a powerful role to play in educating the world. It was years ago, that Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, the disease now recognized all over the world as AIDS, was first detected and recorded in Asia. Over the past two decades, the infection rate has grown rapidly in Asia, which is now second number to Africa in the number of HIV positive people.
In Pakistan, HIV and AIDS was first detected in 1986 and according to UNAIDS estimates, this country now has over 80,000 infected people…and counting.
HIV/AIDS programming needs to become part of the DNA of media companies globally. In the beginning of the advertising campaign against AIDS in the initial years… a time when media men were scared to even write the word “AIDS” in the copy of a commercial.
There were restrictions and they did not know how to address the issue. It was after a lot of guts that a commercial was finally produced saying: “AIDS is a dangerous disease, prevention is must”. It was later improved to “HIV is dangerous, Protect yourself” focusing on only blood and blood products as the mode of transmission. There was no mention of sex because media men were not permitted to use the word “condom”.
In 2002 that a commercial was finally made showing and promoting male contraception. It was approved by the local censor board with some modification, but when it was ready to be aired, the state run media resisted its telecast as the concerned officials got cold feet and said no. it should be “ qurbat k taaluqaat mein ehtyat kijye “ and use this ( condom was shown). It did not even use the word Condom.
It was only after 2002 that all the modes of transmission of HIV and AIDS between the sexes were explained. During this period, media has started taking up the issue in their programming.
If we make comparison between Indian and Pakistani awareness campaigns, Pakistan is still years behind. As in Indian commercials they openly discuss the issue as in Pakistan things are