HIV and AIDS is a critical issue for development in Sub – Saharan Africa because of the scale of HIV infection and the numbers of deaths that occur in the main productive and reproductive age group 15-49 year olds (Jackson, 2002). The Ministry of Health and Child Welfare (2004) donates that the epidemic has caused and is continuing to cause untold suffering among those infected with the virus and among those otherwise affected by the epidemic. The epidemic also has pervasive impact on society and economy. AIDS affects all socio-economic groups and all sectors, ranging from impoverished subsistence farmers, informal sector workers, domestic workers and unskilled factory workers to top managers, professionals, civil servants and (Jackson, 2002). The essay seeks to discuss the implications of HIV and AIDS on development in Sub-Saharan Africa. The paper attempts to discuss how HIV and AIDS have influenced negatively on health, agriculture and food security, education, economy and just to mention a few.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, it appears that HIV and AIDS have profound social and economic effects which impact on development. Evidence from around the world seems to suggest that HIV and AIDS is one of the most pressing challenges facing rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. The most affected households are heavily dependent on agriculture. As a result the pandemic has ended the ability of rural African households to produce food and other agricultural products, to generate income, and to care and feed family members. Parker, Jacobsen and Komwa (2009) assert that while prevalence rates have declined over time in some regions, and while availability of antiretrival drugs (ARVs) has reduced the effects of infection in communities where ARVs are widely available, recent studies have shown that the pandemic continues to exert significant negative economic
References: Avert (2013). The Impact of HIV and AIDS in Africa. [Online]. Available at:, (Accessed 08.02.2013) FAO (2001) The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Food Security: Committee on World Food Security. Rome : UNAIDS. [Online] Available at: http// /y0310E. HTM. (Accesses 08.02.2013). Jackson, H (2002). Aids Africa: Continent in Crisis. Harare: SAFAIDS. May, A (2003) Social and Economic Impacts of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa, With Specific reference to Aging Parker, D. C, Jacobsen, K. H and Konwa, M. K (2009). A Qualitative Study of the Impact of HIV / AIDS on Agricultural Households in South-Eastern Uganda Available at:, (Accessed, 07.02.2013) Victoria, H (2009) The Demographic Impact of HIV and AIDS Across the Family and Household Life- Cycle: Implications for Efforts to Strengthen Families in Sub-Saharan Africa. [Online] Available at: http://www.ncbi.n/, (Accessed, 08.02.2013) Wagt, A Africa. [Online].Available at: http://www.fao-orgleslesn/nutrition/hiv/dewagt.pdf (Accessed, 08.02.2013)