What is AIDS? When HIV causes T-cell blood count to fall below a certain safe level, a person is classified as having AIDS.
How can people get HIV? HIV is a sexually transmitted infection.
How can people prevent HIV? Abstaining from sex, using condoms.
How many people have HIV in the world? In America? 36 million in the world, about 1.1 million in America.
What regions of the world have the highest rates of HIV infection? Poorer regions without proper education in other services often fall susceptible to HIV.
Can HIV be treated with medication? How? Are such treatments easy to use? Affordable? Commonly available worldwide? HIV can be treated to bring up counts of cells in the blood back to normal levels, by taking a cocktail of several pills every day, usually several times a day. They are not easy to use, as they require very frequent retaking and they aren't very affordable. They are available to the rich only.
Is the AIDS epidemic the same everywhere? Why or why not? The epidemic is different in various areas because different cultures view it differently.
Do discrimination and fear related to HIV and AIDS seem specific to the United States or Common in other countries? In the past they were more common in the United States than they were now, but for the most part people are better educated and understand more in the US. In other countries it is still very much associated with fear and prejudice.
Does it seem simpler to treat HIV infection or prevent it? Why?
Preventing seems simpler because if you don't, you'll have to deal with it for the rest of your life, not the rest of the night.
What are some of the factors that contribute to the disproportionate number of HIV infections in America's Communities of Color (males and females)?
Poorer people, unsanitary