HLTC50 : The Human-Animal Interface
Assignment #1 Instructions
• Due: At the beginning of lecture, Week 6 (February 9th, 2015)
• Length: 1000-1500 words (approx. 5-7 double-spaced typed pages with 1-inch margins, 12point Times New Roman font, plus references/works cited; black ink on white paper; a common and consistent citation style (APA, MLA); stapled in the top left corner. Your TA may provide further formatting guidelines).
• Do not use a separate title page, but include a thoughtful title at the top of your first page. Your title should introduce your reader both to the creative work you are writing about and the thrust of your analysis. Be creative and descriptive: impress me.
• Include your full name, student number, course code, and date above your title at the top right-hand corner of the first page.
• Submission Procedure: Paper copy to be submitted to Prof. Charise at the beginning of lecture. You will also submit a digital copy to turnitin.com by no later than 5pm on the due date
(class ID: 9417392; enrolment password: c50healthhum).
• Late Papers: As stated on the syllabus, assignments may be submitted up to one week late but with the automatic loss of one point per day (weekends included), to a maximum of seven points (e.g., 67% to 60%). Assignments will not be accepted beyond this period without documented evidence of a major disruption to your work. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you ever slip late papers under an office door. Late papers must be submitted to Prof.
Charise’s labelled mailbox located outside of MW290.
Write a short analytical essay (1000-1500 words) that thoughtfully addresses the following prompt using one (1) of the creative texts listed below:
Discuss how one of the texts below portrays (and ask a reader to think about) the relationship between health, illness, and animality in terms of boundaries. The Oxford English
Dictionary defines “boundary” as “that which serves to indicate the . . . limits of