Prof Heather Nel and Dr Annemarie Barnard
Strategic and Institutional Planning
The purpose of this study was to analyse perceptions of NMMU graduates & employers with respect to: o Knowledge, skills & attributes contributing to graduate employability o Extent to which NMMU qualifications/programmes equip graduates with required knowledge, attributes & skills o Suggestions to enhance the employability of NMMU graduates
A systems perspective of employability
graduate employability educational attainment of population national & regional development/ economic growth
student progress (credits) attrition
research outputs
funding (public & private) services
service & outreach
student/ staff satisfaction
Employability is not the same as employment o Capacity of the graduate to function effectively in a job & it should not be confused with the acquisition of a job – too many extraneous political, economic & social factors impacting on employment
Employability as a curricular process o Curricula design should support the development of intellectual & critical thinking skills that enable a graduate to fulfil a role – not merely possessing the task‐related skills that enable a graduate to do a specific job (Cox & King, 2006) HEIs are not always successful in preparing learners for the complexity of advanced knowledge economies – “symbolic analysts” (Reich, 2002)
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY o Graduate survey 2005‐2008 NMMU graduates: 2841 in total Non‐probability convenience & snowball sampling methods Sampling frame = all graduates on NMMU alumni database o Employer interviews Semi‐structured, in‐depth interviews with selected employers in E & S Cape Sampling frame = all employers on