December 30th: First day at sea and already the sea sickness is starting to get to me, but it’s not that bad, because this is for science. We are off the coast of Vigo and it’s raining real badly today. The boat is rocking back and forth but we still tried to do some research. A dredge took samples along the surface of the seafloor while being dragged across the bottom. We got some samples of mud, and collected small organisms off the bottom.
January 12th 1872: It’s my day off today, so a few shipmates and I decided to wash our clothes that were starting to smell like dead fish. We are leaving Lisbon and it is a bright sunny day with bright white fluffy clouds in the sky. Today’s dinner was salted pork with potatoes and beard biscuits, and trust me I was so tired of those potatoes. Today as I walked over to my bed for the night I realized that we had only just begun a journey that would take months even years to finish. With this thought in my mind I started to worry that I hadn’t made the right decision getting on this ship for that long of a time, what was I missing back home, what wasn’t I going to see and do that my friends were doing right now.
April 3rd: the days seem to just keep mushing together today is already raining and gets even worse because I’m sick as a dog. The doctor on the ship thinks that I might have typhus fever, I’m lying in bed now worrying that I may have made a bad decision, what if I never see my family ever again. We are in Bermuda and I can’t even enjoy the sight since the fact that I’m feeling like I’m dying inside. My symptoms are abdominal pain that is killing me and nausea that makes me feel so queasy and light headed. The doctor thinks I got this sickness because I was exposed to the rat’s feces and their fleas that crawl around on the ship. The doctor is saying that I should be moved to the guard