Microcomputer: This type of computer is going to use micro- processor for the central processing unit instead of using the vacuum tubes which were quite popular before the micro-processors, however these microcomputers are small enough to fit on a normal sized desk, in today’s computer these are known as the microcomputers, however the computer use to be quite slow and very expensive between 1940’s to 1960’s as it needed a large amount power to keep it on compared to the ones that are a lot smaller and easier to use on a daily basis.
Cost of microcomputer
The cost of the microcomputer can range from starting at low end £200- £700 depending on the hardware or software and also how much can you afford when purchasing one.
High end cost from £800 -£ 18, 00
Speed of microcomputer
Microcomputer has a CPU, RAM, Sound Card, Modem, and Video Card and is slower than other high performing computers such as a server or a mainframe, companies that are well known brands such as Sony, compact and other have given the processor speed of 1.2 or 1.4 GHZ, however smart phones run on even higher GHZ making temporarily out of date until 2009 when there were all upgraded to windows 7 which made them better again.
Minicomputer: This is a type of computer that was made by transistors and Ram, however this particular computer fall under the category in between the size of a large mainframe or microcomputer. The first minicomputer had just only had a maximum of just 12 bit processor which is nothing compared to today’s computers which are way better in terms of hardware and software which are now available for everyone buy.
Cost of minicomputer
A standard minicomputer can cost from £300- £500 depending on the brand and quality of the product.
Speed of minicomputer Most minicomputers are usually 200- 500 kilo bytes per second when processing a piece of data.
Mainframe computer: These are computers are powerful computers that can handle