
Ho Operant Parenting

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Psychology courses provide an immense amount of knowledge regarding the study of the mind, behaviors, and the way in which we view the world. With this essay, I will reflect on the ways in which the first part of my general psychology course has changed my understanding of prior concepts, as well as what I will retain after this course is over. Having a deeper understanding of the concepts taught in this course will influence the relationships I have with individuals in my life. Presented are ways in which I can apply these concepts to better evolve my parenting methods. It is easy for individuals to mistake reinforcements with different conditioning methods, and understanding the difference between the two will allow people to mature into better individuals and, in my case, emerge into a better parent.
The Struggles of Parenting
As an adult, one of the most challenging factors I face is parenting. Moreover, having a child diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has tested the limits of my understanding, my patience, and often times even my own sanity. For the past 8 years, I struggled to understand
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When you were a child and did well on a chore, did your parent(s) ever reward that behavior with a treat? If you ever disobeyed your teacher’s instructions, did the teacher reprimand you? Most likely, you answered yes to both of these examples; each of which is an example of operant conditioning. This form of conditioning is a method I did not realize was a form of learning; I mistook it for a form of reinforcement. Nonetheless, operant conditioning most accurately represents my parenting methods. Which, when I compare this conditioning method to other parents, I see them demonstrating this type of conditioning as their form of parenting as well. It leads a person to wonder if these individuals, like myself, are mistaking their parenting styles as positive or negative reinforcement when it is, in fact, operant

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