a. Underline the important words like: i. “All,” “Nothing” or “None” Lemme * Look for models on development * Models for Understanding Development * Trait Model * Be aware of what the 5 traits mean * “Openness” and “Agreeableness” Self & Identity
3 things determine importance of Memories: 1 Frequency a How often something occurs 2 Duration 3 Intensity
Internal Working Model:
The internal working model is how we view/what we believe about ourselves, others and the world. It influences what we expect of and from ourselves, others and the world in general and directs how we respond. It begins to form as soon as we are born and is based on experiences with others and the outcomes of our efforts.
An infant that experiences frequent abuse or neglect can develop a negative internal working model that "says" no one cares about me, I am unlovable, people who are suppose to love me only hurt or reject me, it doesn't matter what I do or say it is ineffective or not good enough, I can't trust people as one time they are nice and the next time they are mean. etc. If this "model" of self, others and the world and how things work is not corrected the result may be a child or adult that has low self-esteem, is overly dependent or independent, overreacts to situations, sabotages relationships, jobs and/successes, gives up easily, etc. Or an infant that receives consistent, responsive, attuned nurturing from his/her caregivers is most likely to develop a positive internal working model.
Current ------------ Beliefs -------- Goals --------- Strategies Life Experience (affects them all)
Beliefs In: