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Table of Contents
“Issues related to a culture’s time orientation, whether it is an individualist or collectivist society, space orientation, and power distance, not to mention conflict assumptions and non-verbal communication all affect understanding your colleague across the table, as well as your chances of being understood” (D Hummel 2009). For businesses trading internationally culture is an essential aspect that must be considered in all situations.
Culture provides an important source of social identity for its members. Who, as do all people, have a basic need to belong to social groups. Belonging to a culture is represented by acting in accordance with the norms and values and brings safety and security from the group.
But this is only one important function of culture. As well, it also makes action more simple and efficient. When people of different cultures know what to prioritize and
References: Bell B, 2010 Spain feels pain as recession bites [online] available at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8660633.stm accessed on 10/11/11 Expactia, (2011) Higher education in Spain [online] available at http://www.expatica.com/es/education/higher_education/higher-education-in-spain-1896_11005.html accessed on 1/11/11 Kwintessential (2010) Spain - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette [online] available at http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/global-etiquette/spain-country-profile.html http://www.pbs.org/mediashift/2008/06/spains-national-obsession-with-mobiles-texting165.html accessed on 10/11/11 Miller S, (2002) Spain 's women make gains in workplace and home [online] available at