The United States falls very high on the individualist scale. This is due to many people relying on their own self-interests. The best way to boost productivity in the United States is to offer rewards and bonuses that tie into employee’s individual performances. In the U.S. people live for the present, which correlates to receiving those bonus and rewards immediately rather than waiting for them in the future. When employees have a problem with their supervisors they usually confront them and try to discuss the process to figure out a logical way to go about the problem. The U.S. also has a low uncertainty avoidance, which is
The United States falls very high on the individualist scale. This is due to many people relying on their own self-interests. The best way to boost productivity in the United States is to offer rewards and bonuses that tie into employee’s individual performances. In the U.S. people live for the present, which correlates to receiving those bonus and rewards immediately rather than waiting for them in the future. When employees have a problem with their supervisors they usually confront them and try to discuss the process to figure out a logical way to go about the problem. The U.S. also has a low uncertainty avoidance, which is