Hoi Tin Tong has established in 1990. It mainly provides fresh herbal products, especially Gui Ling Gow, for its target market. It has over 80 chains retail stores in Asia market. Although it has distinctive market share and strong market brand name in its target market, it will face to other challenge from internal and external environment like the changing of lifestyle and high competitive in its target market. Therefore, our company which named is Innovation consultant will propose the new marketing and communication strategic plan that can achieve its company objective as well as make benefit to Hoi Tin Tong.
With the analysis on Macro-environment factors and issues, there are three aspects of Hoi Tin Tong for further elaboration. They include lifestyle analysis, social-cultural and psychological characteristics.
2.1 Lifestyle Analysis We found that the young generation is in common. They work hard, play hard and sleep late. They are easily faced the health problem with some symptoms such as easy to get tired, easy to get cold, have pimples on their faces and have bad breathe.
2.2 Social-cultural In fact, the young generation is really health conscious. They would like to find an easy way to improve their health situation. This is the potential market and is worth for Hoi Tin Tong to explore.
2.3 Psychological characteristics Unique product selling provides satisfaction for the needs of the young generation. Gui Ling Gow candy is the unique product for Hoi Tin Tong to invest for further promotion.
Hoi Tin Tong also faces different challenge in its business such as lack of celebrity, limitation of target market and similar products in the same market.
3.1 Lack of celebrity Though Hoi Tin Tong invited its CEO Mr. Ng Hoi Tin as the spokesperson, it helps to promote its product to some segmentation such as the adult and the elderly to certain