Holden Caulfield is seventeen year old caucasian male from New York City who recently has flunked out of another private boarding school then ran away and spent a weekend alone in the New York City drinking heavily. Caulfield describes himself during this week as being fed up and done with all people. From a rational perspective, nothing Caulfield did or thought during this week were the actions of a lucid person. Because of Caulfield’s impulsive scattered thinking he is clearly a threat to himself. My diagnosis is that he is suffering from both an anxiety disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder, luckily there are treatment steps he can take to help cope with his issue, these include medications and different types of psychological therapy.…
Throughout the novel we see Holden not only having trouble with friendships but with Romantic relationships as well. It is no surprise that holden has trouble with Romantic relationships, due to the fact that he can't even manage maintaining friendships. This has to do with him wanting to avoid future pain and his low self esteem. There are many instances where Holden is very blunt, insulting and dishonest. For example, in the quote: “ I’m not kidding, some of these very stupid girls can really knock you out on a dance floor.”…
In J.D Salinger’s book The Catcher in the Rye, the protaginist Holden Caulfied, struggles with life, one of the factors being his unstable state of mind due to the death of his brother. After his brothers death his perspective on life was shaken, culminating to his use of anger and trivial decisions to mask his emotions. We see his rapid choice of judgment evidently when he destroyed his parents garage windows. Holden holds his brother dear to his heart, because of his authenticity and humbleness; traits that arent seen anywhere else in his life.…
Holden purposely alienates himself from others and doesn’t hold many close relationships. He displays lack of interest in his education. It is not straight forward, but Holden believes he has no future, does he even want one? Detachment is also represented when he fails out of every school he is sent to. He rebels against those who wish for him to have a decent life. Mr. Antolini was one of those who cares and stated “ the mark of an immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one” which Holden takes advantage of . Holden is particularly introverted (Salinger 188). He wanders the city, passing hundreds of by standards, he is still all alone. Sure he wants to talk to people but he doesn’t know how to hold a proper conversation. He is a constant critic of others actions although his actions make him come off as an arrogant pest, therefore Holden isolates…
Holden has intense mood swings throughout the whole novel. Holden states, “I probably wouldn’t’ve taken her even if she wanted to go with me. She wouldn’t have been anybody to go with. The terrible part, though, is that I meant it when I asked her.”(Salinger, 1951, p.134). A sane person doesn’t just change their mind about going away with somebody that quickly. He went from truly believing he was in love with Sally to not being able to wait to get away from her. As it is, he decided her loved her after around 15 minutes into the date when he was just talking about how “phony” she was. Another example of his mood swings is when Holden recalls his fight with Stradlater. He says, “This next part I don’t remember so hot. All I know is I got up from the bed, like I was going down to the can or something, and then I tried to sock him, with all my might, right smack in the toothbrush, so it would split his goddam throat open.” (p.43). Just a few moments before this happened he was perfectly fine with Stradlater. Sure, he thought he was a phony, but he thinks that about everyone.…
He was also sort of a nasty guy. I wasn't too crazy about him, to tell you the truth.” Holden most likely hung out with people he did not like so that if he got kicked out of school he would not miss anyone he would leave behind. Throughout the book Holden also stated many times how he wanted to go out West and live in a cabin in the woods. The details in his fantasy of living in the West were constantly changing since he sometimes wanted to live in a cabin with Sally but other times he wanted to live as a deaf mute showing how he is not able to even commit to an imaginary future. At the end of the book Holden is walking in the street and can barely make it to each side of the road while he thinks about his dead brother Allie. This symbolizes Holden’s life since he only focuses on the present and struggles to make it through day-to-day life since he cannot commit to a future. Holden’s little concern for his future makes it more apparent that he cannot devote himself to a certain life style and even had a hard time maintaining a certain attitude due to the fact that he constantly reassured himself and said things like: “really” or “for…
Holden also has an unstable sense of self. His unstable sense of self is depicted in a few ways. First is his relationship with his little sister Phoebe. He says “The thing with kids is, if they want to grab the gold ring you have to let them do it, and not say anything” (273). In this quote in a way he saying let them be adventurous they will learn from their mistakes. He acts this way towards his little sister because he is trying to give her the childhood he didn’t get to experience. You can tell that kids have a certain place in his heart. For example anything that was said about his younger brother Allie was positive, also how he took Phoebe to the carousel and finally when he helped a little girl at the park tie her skates and the 2…
During the beginning of the story, Holden thinks about killing people many times. He wanted to kill Stradlater, his roommate, for dating Jane Gallagher, his old friend. Holden knew what kind of guy Stradlater was and he was afraid he took advantage of Jane. Holden actually does fight Stradlater but gets hurt pretty badly. He then puts his hunting hat on and says it is a “people shooting” hat. Later on in the story, Holden again thinks about killing people. When Maurice, the pimp, hurts Holden and steals his money, Holden pretends that he had been shot in the stomach and his guts were falling out. He then pretends that he is staggering down the stairs with a gun to shoot Maurice and get revenge. Holden does not actually do this, but it shows how he is immature and violent. Also, while Holden is visiting Phoebe’s school, he sees that someone has written “fuck” on the wall. He becomes very angry and wants the bash the skull of whoever did that on the marble floor so they are all bloody. Again we see that Holden has much anger in him. He does not know how to deal with it and that shows he has not grown up.…
Holden’s date with Sally is a big example of Holden’s immaturity. When Holden sees Sally after a long time, he says that he wanted to marry her right away, but this changes very quickly: “The funny part is I felt like marrying her the minute I saw her. I’m crazy. I didn’t even like her much, and yet all of a sudden I felt like I was in love with her and wanted to marry her” Salinger 124). By the end of the date Holden and Sally get into an argument which ended badly: “‘You (Sally) give me a royal pain in the ass if you want to know the truth’ Boy did she hit the ceiling when I said that” (133). Holden went from wanting to marry Sally to insulting her. This shows that Holden is immature because he makes judgements and changes his feelings toward something very quickly. Thus contradictory nature is characterized in children, which is why Holden is struggling to become an adult.…
He also details that the events occurring last winter were what inspired him to reach out for help. By doing this, Holden is contrasting the vast majority of the actions he makes throughout his madman experience. One of his main grievances with the people around him are that they are, as he frequently claims, “phony.” To Holden, just about everybody can be called a phony, particularly those his age and above. Of the many people he has opportunities to form relationships with, Holden only appears to care about two people: his deceased brother Allie and his younger sister Phoebe, both of whom are prepubescent children. These relationships exist to emphasize Holden’s lack of ability to let go of the past and develop as a person over the course of the book. He has an unhealthy admiration of their childlike innocence, which prompts him to act as immaturely as possible. Subsequently, he tries to show his maturity by making exceptionally poor choices such as getting drunk and hiring a prostitute. Whenever his actions have consequences, he blames the “phony” world around him instead of himself, which motivates him to alienate himself from others. Salinger’s main goal in characterizing Holden is to show how…
Holden is choosing to lose his virginity as a way to prove he is grown, mature, and independent, one identity Holden craves but then realizes he actually doesn’t want to pursue with this action because Holden is using his virginity as a way to hold onto his innocence and childhood. Holden is conflicted between these two identities and also craves human interaction which plays a factor in Holden’s decision just to speak with the prostitute. Both of these factors are prominent reoccurring conflicts in Holden’s…
However, Holden does so by not thinking about the situations he puts himself into. At the beginning of Holden’s journey, Holden finds out that a jock named Stradlater had gone on a date with a girl that Holden has a keen interest in, Jane Gallagher. Holden inflicts pain upon himself by trying to fight Stradlater because of Holden’s own jealousy towards Stradlater. Stradlater is obviously stronger than Holden and expresses his reluctance towards hurting Holden as Stradlater says “Holden, God damn it, I’m warning you, now. For the last time. If you don’t keep your yap shut, I’m gonna— ” (50), yet Holden “tried to sock him, with all [his] might ,“ (49) but “only he missed” (49) and ended up getting hurt. Holden should have realized the reality of the fight and kept his feelings inside or avoided violence altogether, but Holden starts a situation that only ends up with him getting hurt. Moving on, Holden puts himself into another situation as soon as Holden leaves the school and enters New York City. At one…
Life itself is a journey full of bonding and experiences which lead to wisdom and understanding. Without maturity one may never have these life teaching experiences. This leads to an empty shell of a person never truly feeling passion, love or peace. Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is an adolescent struggling to mature into manhood. He is on a journey towards maturity and identity. Holden’s threshold crossing, road of trials, and flee and return are . The threshold crossing is the place or the person that the character crosses over or through into the zone unknown, being the place where journey into self discovery begins. Many times the call to their adventure includes going by desire, chance, abduction, or by being…
Holden has his own perception on the world about priceless, intelligence, purity and all of the other things above money, sex, and power, But when he clings on to innocence fast all of these quality’s get kicked out the door because in Holden eyes its one of the best things a person can have. Even though Holden soon becomes a misfit in society since the society around him is so corrupted. The main thing that Holden wants in his life is to really actually connect with someone,any type of connection just so he has someone who likes him for who he is and understands who he is. The biggest problem i think that Holden has is that he treats everyone around him terribly, judging people wherever he goes but he doesn’t have the same harsh views on himself, which makes Holden the outcast and phony.…
Holden’s character changes drastically during the course of the book. Holden grew up viewing adults as phonies. “Phoniness” is Holden’s way to describe the superficiality, hypocrisy, pretension, and shallowness that he encounters in the world around him (Seng 14). To him, children are still pure, and he tries to preserve that in them. At his old school, Pencey Prep, Holden strongly disliked the teachers because he believes that they were unjust and treated him unfairly. “Pencey was full of crooks. Quite a few guys came from these wealthy families, but it was full of crooks anyway. The more expensive a school is, the more crooks it has -- I 'm not kidding” (Salinger 2). In his mind, everyone is appearance obsessed, a secret slob, or a suck up (Irving 118). Holden finds any semblance of a normal adult life to be “phony.” He does not want to grow up and be like them; he does not want to get a job or a house or go to an office, and he certainly does not want to do what those “bastards” do. Holden deals with the thought of phonies in interesting ways. If Holden calls everyone a phony, he can feel better if they reject him. For example it was not his fault that the girls in the Lavender room did not want to be with him, they were just phonies who could not understand him. It is his defense mechanism.…