UOS ID: 139120969
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
Background study of Holi Festival .......................................................................................... 13
Holi Festival Today.................................................................................................................. 16
Impacts of Holi festival towards India and its tourism ............................................................ 18
Discussions and Recommendations ......................................................................................... 27
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 30
References ................................................................................................................................ 31
Appendices ............................................................................................................................... 37
Name: Melvin Tan Kay Young
UOS ID: 139120969
List of Figures
Figure 1
The Indian Population 2001 – 2011
Figure 2
State and respective language diasporas in India
Figure 3
Sharing of Languages – Speakers of Major Languages 1991
Figure 4
Host and Tourist Relationship: Irritation Index
Figure 5
Heavy metal elements and chemical compounds for paste and their potential effects on health
Name: Melvin Tan Kay Young
UOS ID: 139120969
Executive Summary
Culture is one of the key characteristics of cultural heritage in India, without the contribution of a diverse culture in the country, the level of uniqueness and enchantment of its society would never be as wondrous as it is right
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