Holistic Health Essay
Jeff Rubel
Ohio University
Holistic Health Essay
Originating over five thousand years ago in China and India, holistic health focuses on considering all potential contributing factors which may affect a person’s well-being when assessing a person’s overall health (Wikipedia, 2011). Since each factor influences at least one other factor and the whole, all factors should be evaluated equally and as a whole. Holistic practices have become more common and are supported by ancient philosophers such as
Aristotle and Socrates (2011). Despite the long history of nursing, many concepts of holistic assessment brought forth by Florence Nightingale are still in place (Dossey, 2005). She outlines a variety of ideas throughout her well-known “Notes on Nursing” in regards to holistic health concepts.
Nightingale focuses on cleanliness and purity of the whole environment including specific standards for the air, water, light, linens, diet, and noise (Nightingale, 1860). Each of these components is not necessarily more important than the other but equally significant to yield the optimum overall health. Including mind, body, and spirit in assessment is imperative to the holistic model (Jarvis,
2008). More specific factors include culture and values, family and social roles, self-care behaviors, job-related stress, developmental tasks, and failures and frustrations of life (2008). A comprehensive assessment collects data from these categories. The provider constructs a plan to address all factors as a whole and then implements it. The results are then reviewed to determine the effectiveness and provide feedback for changes to the plan.
References: Dossey, B. Florence Nightingale and Holistic Nursing. NSNA, Feb/Mar 2005. Retrieved April 8, 2011, from www.nsna.org . Frisch, N. “Nursing as a Context for Alternative/Complementary Modalities”. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Vol. 6 No. 2. Retrieved April 8, 2011, from www.nursingworld.org . Jarvis, C.(2008). Physical Examination & Health Assessment (5th ed.). Saunders, Elsevier. pp7-9. Nightingale, F.(1860). Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It’s Not. Pp 24,44,58,79,84,87,93. Retrieved April 8, 2011, from http://digital.library.upenn.edu . Wikepedia, E. Holistic health. Retrieved April 8, 2011, from http://en.wikipedia.org .