2.5.1. Morphological characterization of hollow fiber capillaries from FESEM images
The longitudinal view of the hollow fiber is presented in Fig.3 (a). The outer surface was further magnified to look into the pore details in 5KX and 25 KX magnification, are shown in Fig.3 (b) and (c).The image of the hollow surface revealing the cut surface showing the inner layer of the hollow fiber are shown in Fig.3 (d). The fine structures of the fibers , shown in Fig.3 (e) and (f) resembles that of the glomerular filtration membrane of the natural human kidney. The hollow surface was further magnified to look into the morphology of the inner surface which actually contacts with the blood. The inner surface of the hollow fiber appears …show more content…
FESEM images of hollow fiber capillary (a)Longitudinal view at 1KX (b) morphology of outside pore in contact with the dialysate at 5 KX, (c )morphology of outer surface pores at 25 KX, (d) dissected capillary showing the outer and inner surfaces at 4.4KX ,(e) and (f)dissected capillary showing the fine porous structure, (g)dissected capillary showing the hollow structure with inner and outer surfaces at 300X, (h) hollow fiber surface with different porosities, (i) hollow fiber showing the outer surface and inner skiny surface, (j) cross sectional view at 2 KX showing the wall thickness.
2.5.2 Image …show more content…
Image processing of FESEM image (a) original image – calibration bars indicate a length of 10µm,(b) cropped image, (c) contrast enhanced image, (d) filtered image (e) image after thresholding, (f) image after complementing and performing morphological operations and (g) image obtained after applying Euclidean distance transform. 2.5.3. Example of distance transform of a sample of pore blob in the binary image of membrane.
An example of the largest pore blob is displayed in Fig. 5(a), the pore regions are shown in white color has a pixel value of 1, while the pixels in the non pore regions (i.e. in membrane walls) have a value of 0. The distance transformed image matrix of the pore is shown in Fig.5 (b).
Fig.5.(a)Sample of pore blob in the binary image of membrane shown in Fig.4.(f) and (b) the distance transformed image of Fig.5.(a) with the maximum value marked in the box, is the centre of the virtual circle. The radius is marked using black arrow, which is the distance between the center to its closest edge