April 1, 2012
English B
Ms. Gordon English Holocaust Paper
The Holocaust was one of the largest genocides in the history of the world. An estimated amount of over 11 million people were killed over that Dark Age in human history. All caused by the horrid visions of one man Adolf Hitler. The Holocaust to me is proof that widespread chaos can be caused by ill set speeches. Adolf was said to be one of the best speakers of his age. He convinced hundreds of thousands of German people that his cause was noble and just. This in the end, resulted in grave and despicable darkness for the people of the Jewish religion.
If I were in a concentration camp I think it would be a great test of my faith. Every day would be a constant struggle. My faith would be tested because of the constant lingering fact that if any day I was found out to be a Jew either gunshot or other various forms of brutality would kill me. Fear would always be the biggest “test” of faith, for any other emotion wouldn’t move me more than fear itself. Though part of me thinks that it wouldn’t be a great test of faith, but more of a test of courage, only because we can stand strong and die for what we believe in instead of rejecting death and your religion and in the end not know what to believe in. When in the end we have something to cherish, to have a sort of religious pride. Payne 2
If I had to drive a truck and dump a truck full of live human beings to save my life , I would be reluctant at first but I would think that if I did refuse then I would just be killed and another person would fill my place and do it no questions asked. Id have to say that this wouldn’t be a great show of character but if they were going to kill me then them, of course I would, but I have a conscience and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I carried out in killing those people. So I wouldn’t do it ,part of me