World History
(spoilers for The Boy in The Striped Pajamas)
The Holocaust. This very word means so much to the world that often people shudder at the thought of it. I recently saw The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and I can safely say I almost broke into tears through the last scene. The “punishments” of the Nazi party were so cruel after reading a testimony of Bella Jakubowicz Tovey, a Polish girl who at the time was 14 during the Nazi invasion of Poland. I am 14 and this captivated me more and saw her interview and read her biography. She was transported to the
Sosnowiec ghetto ( a ghetto in Warsaw) and spent a year in the poor living conditions of the ghetto. After that she was transported by herself to the Auschwitz death camp and without a doubt the most notorious concentration camp of them all. I was frightened just reading about the camp. After viewing The Boy in The Striped Pajamas, especially the last scene when the boy named Bruno goes under a fence to join his friend Shmuel in finding his father (who was gassed) and as they run around the camp, a whistle blows and all Jews must report for a “shower”. Both boys are gassed and killed before his dad, a high ranking official in the Nazi party, finds out his fate. This scene is very difficult to watch as 15 minutes before this actually takes place, I had an idea about what was going to happen. I usually have the comfort of when I watch something uncomfortable, I tell myself it’s not real. This was a reality that pierced millions of people then and now. This
gave me a very suprised feeling to this whole topic and most likely, this will have quite a lasting effect on me.