The true value was to see how important it is to be well prepared for each home visit. The necessary knowledge, skills, documentation, and medical supplies as it pertains to a specific client.
Principles learned were the importance of verification of current doctor’s orders for treatment, prescribed medications, and follow up visits required. Observations for client safety included, placement of furniture, unobstructed floor space for walking, medical equipment, cleanliness, proper food storage, compliance with medications and instructions. The practice of proper hand hygiene before and after the visit, client assessment, teaching and education.
Proper documentation of the visit was written in detail and a copy provided to the client. The following factors may be considered in all areas of nursing care in any setting: level of self-care, ability for activities of daily living; level of nursing care needed; prognosis; education needs; mental status; level of compliance with instructions from healthcare professionals.
Ways in which the nurse adapted care to the home setting are briefly stated in the following: Changing a Foley catheter on a male client, setting up a sterile field while kneeling on the floor as the client was sitting at the edge of the bed; setting up an IV without an IV pole or pump using a clothes hangar and a curtain rod over the bed to attain the necessary gravity flow; writing out new requests for doctor to write orders for special procedures such as toenail trimming to be performed by a podiatrist and requiring a referral from the PCP, client nor spouse able to provide foot care; inspecting oxygen concentrator of the