Sulit na Sulit, Bili Na!
TV Home Shopping Programs: An Act of Performing
(O Shopping Network, ABS-CBN) As a child, I have watched home shopping networks on television. There was a time when I was really amazed with the frying pan that doesn’t need oil to be able to fry eggs or ham. I was even able to memorize the demonstrator’s lines there. I’ve also watched a chef manipulate a set of knives, showing how one knife can cut the pineapple into half so easily or slice tomatoes thinly. Then when I was in my early teenage years, I’ve watched women on TV fretting about their scars or their uneven complexion and how this certain face or body cream makes everything so perfect and pretty. I was also stunned with something that looked like gym equipment that stretches your body and makes you taller. There was an ice cream maker, a grease and stain remover, a portable sewing machine, a portable ladder—almost everything you can think of is there. Then there was this time, now in my college years that I was able to catch a late night home shopping program on television. I was stressed that time so I projected my stress towards many things. I started to criticize everything about that program. What would I do with all those plastic containers? Isn’t that price range still high? Then came the comments of “Ugh, mga burgis.” Then I started to scrutinize the male host’s diction. I complained how he and his co-host are just repeating things and that they were wasting air time. Now that I’ve thought about it, my current emotional state at the moment was a major factor that made me notice those simple things about the program. My criticisms may have been informal and random, but I realized that those judgments are acceptable. They were acceptable in a way that a performance always involves an audience. However, in this paper, we may have to attempt to look at the subject in a more objective manner. In communication, there are many concepts and
References: Bloor, M. & Bloor, T. (2007). The Practice of Critical Discourse Analysis, An Introduction. Great Britain: Hodder Education Brummett, B. (2011). Rhetoric in Popular Culture. USA: SAGE Publications, Inc. BusinessDictionary.com. (2014). Retrieved April 3, 2014 from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/performance.html. Esponilla-Magloyuan, L. (2013). ABS-CBN ventures into TV shopping. Retrieved April 2, 2014 from http://leonardmagloyuan.blogspot.com/2013/11/abs-cbn-ventures-into-tv-shopping.html Marsen, S. (2006). Communication Studies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Merriam Webster. (2014). Retrieved April 3, 2014 from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/performance. Plaisance, P.L. (2009). Media Ethics, Key Principles for Responsible Practice. USA: SAGE Publications, Inc. Wells, W. (1968). Communications In Business. California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.