The security of the United States and living without being under a constant threat should be very important to all citizens and those who visit this country. The research revealed some interesting facts, it is impossible to secure every commercial building, airport, bridge, bypass, and government building. One element of the security is that terrorists will not have the ability to attack every place in the United States. However, everything is a possible target and terrorists want to do as damage as possible and cause the greatest amount of disruption in our way of life as possible.
The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for protecting the United States of America. However, it is a very complex and difficult job, an overwhelming amount of information must be shared and filtered daily. Terrorists may attack at any point and they will change plans to attack a less protected target randomly. The Department of Homeland Security must make decisions and decide which possible targets to give the highest priority based on the information available. The higher the possibility a target might be attacked the more resources must be applied. The more critical targets have visible guards and a screening system in place (Mueller 2010).
There are more than five million commercial building in the United States. While every commercial building is a possible target, there are not enough resources to guard five million possible targets. Everything in the United States is a potential target and it is impossible to change some of the fundamentals used in protecting the homeland. Therefore, the DHS has to work within those restraints. The number of terrorists appears to be a small percentage and their ability is limited. However, the overwhelming problem is that one terrorist can carry out an attack that has the potential to be disastrous on an largest number of people (Mueller 2010).
While a small number of terrorist
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