Extra Credit Report: Unit 17
December 13, 2008
Question One- What tensions exist between governmental power and civil liberties?
Question Two- Use a metaphor to describe a zero-sum game of balancing governmental power, security, and individual’s rights.
Question 3-How does the U.S. Patriot Act of 2001 and its renewal in 2006 increase executive authority.
Question 4- Describe how the changes made the 2006 compromise between Congress and The White House.
Question 5- What are the arguments for increased executive power?
Question 6- Compare the arguments against such power.
Question 7- How has the courts reacted to the arguments
Question 8- Should law enforcement be militarized to prevent terrorism?
Bibliography …………………..Final Page
We are told by our leaders that there are trade-offs when considering our security; that in order to create a secure America we must give up some freedoms and rules of our democracy for the protection of all. Homeland security involves many factors it does decrease civil liberties and individual freedoms and it totally increases governmental power; a thing ends its impossible to construct a counterterrorist system that ensures complete protection, allows for maximum civil liberty, and protects unrestricted freedoms of movement matter of fact the government is sacrificing some of its own branches to place more authority within one for each, the executive branch (White, Jonathan, 2006). Nothing centralizes power like war. Whether faced with a threat real or manufactured, it seems that people sink into a mind-less situation agreeing to anything. When the emperor of Rome burned the city in effort to persecute Christians, he gained control of the population; we did not learn. When, Hitler burned the Reichstag shortly after elected, he blamed the destruction of this government building on his political enemies;
References: Executive Orders Disposition Tables. (2003). The Federal Register. Executive Orders Disposition Tables. Retrieved on December 12, 2008 from: http://www.archives.gov/federal=register/executive.orders.html Kime, A.O Retrieved on December 12, 2008 from: http://www.matrixbookstore.biz Osterburg W Retrieved on July 26, 2008 from: A Method for Reconstructing the Past Senate Congressional Record Retrieved on December 12, 2008 from: http://www.fas.org/irp/congress/2006_cr/s4081.html United States Code Retrieved on December 13, 2008 from: http://uscode.house.gov/downloads White, Jonathan