Good Morning/ Afternoon members of the Gold Coast City Council,
Let me introduce myself, my name is John Doe and I am here today to address a very serious issue in todays society.
What is the issue I am talking about today?
Well today I am going to talk about Homelessness in Australia.
A man is out on the streets by himself, nobody to talk to, no home to live in, No food, No water and He has no money. This is one of many conditions a homeless person has to go through.
On a cold winters day, whilst you are snuggled up in blankets and sipping on a hot beverage. Think to yourself how lucky you are to be living such a cozy life, while a homeless man is outside in the elements freezing.
How common is homelessness in Australia?
The population of homelessness in Australia is estimated over 100, 000 (2011).
1 in 7 Australians live and sleep with out shelter (2011). In 2006 a survey has estimated over 12,000 people are homeless in Queensland (Queensland Government). Most of these people have suffered from disabilities, Addictions to drugs or alcohol. A major cause to this is alcohol and drugs. This has a huge impact on homeless people.
An interview took place on TV, about a year ago. It was on a 25-year-old man living on the streets, with no home or shelter.
His story took place when his mum, dad and his sister died in a car accident. This left the man as an orphan. This drove him into binge drinking and use of drugs, his habit took all of his money, that he was left with nothing and started living in the streets of Sydney. The first few weeks the man suffered from depression and started to think about suicide, then after that torture he started to busk for money.
What is the effect of homelessness?
Homelessness can lead to a wide variety of disorders: such as depression, anxiety and bi-polar. A lot of these people need help, like seeing psychiatrist and doctors, for medical attention.
Is it safe to live on