For my Extended Project Qualification I chose to research into Homeopathy and its place within the NHS. I felt this was a suitable topic as I found Homeopathy very interesting as it is such a well-known and widely used alternative medical practice, and one of the few that is funded by the NHS and has had a place in medicine for hundreds of years.
At a time of budget cuts across the board, NHS horror stories and reforms for the NHS, the question of Homeopathy’s place in the NHS is at its greatest importance. The NHS’ integrity has been seen to be falling apart under recent years, so the funding of Homeopathy should be reconsidered to see whether it is just another mistake of funding from the NHS. Even though the NHS funds a tiny amount of money to Homeopathic remedies, and a larger amount to the Homeopathic Hospitals, the NHS still must consider all of their money and use it in the most cost-effective way possible.
My first aim of this project was to analyse evidence about the effectiveness of Homeopathy, to determine whether it has a physiological effect on the body past the placebo effect. I wanted to determine if homeopathy didn’t actually work did it still have a use in the NHS, as it may improve patient satisfaction and could improve their health? Is it ethical for Doctors to prescribe homeopathic remedies if they do not actually work that are purely placebos? What is the public and professional opinion on Homeopathy? Finally after finding all this evidence should Homeopathy actually be funded by the NHS?
Homeopathy is a form of alternative medical practice that involves much diluted substances being used to stimulate the body’s healing process. (Society of Homeopaths, 2013)The NHS has funded and referred patients (British Homeopathic Association, 2014) for homeopathy treatment since the start of the NHS in 1948 (NHS England, 2013) and spends approximately £ 4 million a year providing homeopathic treatments to patients (British Homeopathic
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