Homer Plessy original named Homère Patrice Adolphe Plessy grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana, and was born on March 17, 1862. Plessy’s family was a ⅛ th mix of caucasian and african american, due to Plessy’s great grandmother being one hundred percent african (Homer par.2). At a young age Plessy’s father died, three years after that his mother, now a widow, married a post office clerk who was raised in the shoemaking business (Urofsky par. 1). Following in his step-father’s family’s footsteps and he began his first career as a shoemaker (Urofsky par. 3). …show more content…
In the same year (1887), Homer began as a civil rights activist where he became a Vice President of the Justice, Protective, Educational, and Social club to reform New Orleans education system (Urofsky par. 3). The group had challenged the discrimination in the public school of Orleans, even though the Louisiana constitution had rules against such things (Urofsky par. 3). Since the white people often had more money they sent their kids to private schools in Louisiana, which left the public schools les funded and wore down (Urofsky par. 3). The Club used its money to provide money for the african american schools (Urofsky par.