Misty Daily
Denise Axtell
Home school versus public education
How important is a child’s education to a parent? With children starting school every fall, parents have to decide whether homeschooling or public education is better for their child. It is best for the parent to fully understand the pros and cons of homeschooling and public education. Homeschooling and public education both provide the same education. Some parents believe that homeschooling their child will provide a safer environment. Others put their children in public school so they have a chance to have social interaction with other people. First of all, parents need to understand that both homeschooling and public education provide the same curriculum and they both have annual testing from the state. Parents who want to home school their children have an option, they can choose to follow the same curriculum as public school or they can have their own. Either way, the student has a chance to be educated in all subjects. No matter what state the family lives in, if the parent home schools their child they still have to take annual testing from the state. The state testing is put in place to make sure that the child has a full understanding of the subjects. Second, every year more and more parents are choosing to home school their child because they believe homeschooling is a safer environment. “It may be the fastest-growing form of education in the United States.” (National Home Education Research Institute) The most common reason for parents keeping their children out of public school is the illness. Children attending public school are more likely to get sick because of all the contact they have with germs. Having their children at home parents can prevent the chance of spreading disease. Also, if a parent has a child with a disability such as; cerebral palsy, ADD, ADHD, and many others, they are more likely