Many have argued that homeschooling is the better option when raising children, yet evidence has proven it 's not. Homeschooling takes a toll on a family 's finances, a child 's social skills, and overall children are not getting a well rounded education like they would receive in public schools. In an average home where the matriarch would make forty thousand to sixty thousand dollars a year, they loose about one million dollars in twenty years. To homeschool one child it costs on average two thousand, five hundred dollars. Because a family chooses to homeschool their children it can cost around forty-two thousand, five hundred dollars per year minimum. Public schools spend on average eight thousand dollars per student, when homeschooled student 's parents on average spend two thousand, five hundred dollars on them. There is an obvious financial difference between the public school systems and the homeschooling families. Another problem that has arisen with homeschooled children is the level of their social skills. Recent studies have shone that students in public schools have a higher level of social skills when interacting with different people. Homeschooled children are exposed to a definite lower number of people than children in the public school systems. The children who are in the homeschooled environment are not exposed to many authoritative figures such as numerous teachers, principals, etc. Because they are not exposed to these figures, they have a less respect for authority in the future. One of the popular reasons why parents homeschool their children is that they don 't want them exposed to the secular world. If their children are not exposed to the secular world while in elementary through high school, what are they going to do when they go to college? It is going to be one rude awakening for these children. If they don 't develop fine social skills during the early elementary years, which are
Bibliography: Brush, Michelle and authors of "Homeschool Costs Can Add Up Fast." ©2006 Foster, Julie. "NEA vs. Home schools." World Net 10 September 2000 Hernandez, Beverly. "A Dark Side to Homeschooling." ©2006 Malkin Michelle. "Home Schools vs. Big Brother." The Washington Times page 14, 16 January 2004