One of the causes of WW1 is Imperialism; one of the countries during this time which wanted more colonies was Germany. They were jealous of Britain, as they had the largest Empire. For years there had been records of Germany doubling their army in a period of 4 years and Britain was always suspicious of Germany. The announcement of Franz Ferdinand’s assassination just gave them an excuse to get straight into war (they had been preparing years before). Therefore because of Germany’s greed, we had various reasons to go into war, one of them being to protect their Empire.
This cause is also linked into Nationalism; both of these causes have countries that feel they are the best.
Another main cause for WW1 is Nationalism. The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand was due to a gang called the ‘Black Hand’. They were a Nationalist group from Serbia which thought they tghat Franz wasn’t running Austria-Hungary right and that their country was better. If they did not want to rule themselves and thoght they were better than everyone, then they wouldn’t of had the thought of assassinating Franz Ferdinand, which was the spark of WW1.
Another cause which links in with Nationalism is