.sociohistorical context of minority oppresion
.historically, mexicans were super-exploited in the US through colonization
.Latinos/hispanics were largely confined to working in the mines or agriculture and other seasonal work
..whites were employed in more permanent jobs (and still are)
.how america developed
..Mexican labor transformed the west
..mining and railroads (some)
..reserve army of labor
-unemployment currently at 7.3% (U3 - workers cannot find job. search for work for last 30 days.
--U1, U2, U3...U6 unemployement (U6 are discouraged workers. 16%. part time workers who would prefer full time)
//ex) archies r us - company. we are workers. being paid $8/hr. people on outside who would take your job if they could (reserve army of labor. would work for lower wages)
..people of color serve as "shock absorbers"
-in times of crisis, such as economic downturn, affects many sectors of economy. lower wage workers are thrown out first because they are expendable (people of color)
.how they are exploited and devalued
..Agriculture -replaced by machines
..whites experienced mobility (easily move up social ladder)
..bracero program
..operation 'wetback' (force immigrants out of country brought by bracero program
*what is purpose of a law?
*"arbitrary" power is essential for any state
*Goverment has power that is bounded by law. but they ahve "arbitraty" power to do whatever they want
"the myth of military necessity" for jap-amer internemt " ronald takaki (R:12)
.debunk the idea that the jap were taken for military necessity and provide framework for interpretation
.jap in the west were 'interned'
..california, washingotn, and oregon
..told to register and given id numbers; those that did not report were arrested, convicted, and supreme court often upheld their convictions
..forced to live where a horse or cow lived previously
.told it was not about operation concentration camps; it