Turned in “Assignment” to be a Word Documents (12 point font); – 600 to 750 words (if a group, this word count times # in the group), not including your name / Section # / assignment # / date, charts / graphs / excel spread sheet / pictures / art / Source info / etc.
Show verifiable source info (w3: if company website; short reference (Title /Name) to book / magazine etc.,) separately at the end of the Document; sources if info include 10-K, Magazines: Fortune, Forbes, Business Week, Industry Week, Modern Material Handling, Material Handling & Logistics, Supply Chain World: industry specific magazines (both print & Digital; Wall Street Journal, annual reports, etc.
You are encouraged to use (and document) a wide range of info sources; the textbook needs to be referenced (12 / page #) when relating what is suggested in it, and what your selected company is / or is not doing, and why, if you can determine. I am looking for YOUR analysis, observations and thoughts connecting what we are studying to what your company has done (past), is doing (present), could / should be doing (future). Direct quotes need to be in Quote marks.
Answers should be: Concise, complete thoughts, accurate, brief, (no HOT AIR), etc.
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Name (s, if group) ___________________________ Section ________
Company ___________________________
Briefly describe the Company (the 5 Ws & How):
Describe some of their key inputs / transformations / outputs (be specific - ref. Table 1.1 for guidance):
Your Comments on the effectiveness each of YOUR Company’s 3 levels of Management Processes (Sec 1-5):
Sec1-10: briefly comment on how YOUR company is addressing 2 (of