Take-Home Exercise
This is the Make-up Exercise to be completed and submitted via email by 26 September 2014.
Please submit using the following subject label
Take_Home_CRN#_Surname (so that I can easily identify your submission)
Example of subject label for email: Take_Home_12345_Jones
Please include your name and student ID
Use sub-headings for each of the sections and/or definitions.
A. Please review materials in Topic 2 of the LIBS_130 e-classroom,INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH SKILLS: ETHICAL & LEGAL USE OF INFORMATION, including the following:
Essential Readings and Resources: (both items)
Copyright: Copyright basics; copyright good habits
Plagiarism: Plagiarism explained by Common Craft; Plagarism by Plagiarism.org
COSTAATT’s Academic Integrity Policy and Code of Conduct.
Please also follow the link below for information about plagiarism in the context of ethics and the law:
Pearson [publishing] 2012. Intellectual Property Overview: Ethics and the Law. Retrieved 17 June 2014 from http://wps.pearsoncustom.com/pls_1256647969_pwo/217/55692/14257404.cw/index.html
Some other useful links
Common knowledge: https://integrity.mit.edu/citing-your-sources/what-common-knowledge http://isites.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k70847&pageid=icb.page342055
Fair Use: http://fairuse.stanford.edu/overview/fair-use/what-is-fair-use/ http://www.bitlaw.com/copyright/fair_use.html
Public Domain http://www.teachingcopyright.org/handout/public-domain-faq http://fairuse.stanford.edu/overview/public-domain/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ (B)
Activities to be completed are outlined below:
(1) Prepare a paragraph describing/explaining each of the following concepts in your own words (responses should be about 5 lines each):
Intellectual property
Fair Use
Public domain
Common knowledge
(2) Having read the COSTAAT