
Hominid Alone: Imagery, Symbolism, And Diction

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Hominid Alone: Imagery, Symbolism, And Diction
“Hominid Alone: Imagery, Symbolism, and Diction”

Home and being alone are two of the worst things to be on a cold day in the middle of the winter. In the poem February by Margret Atwood there is a lot to be said about the content. When reading take focus on things such as the Imagery, Symbolism, and Diction of the poem itself. The women or man that is narrating the poem is not in a good place in their life. What is happening around them seems to be much more upbeat and intriguing. The narrator is very lonely and feels as though that it is the only right way to live because he or she has not experienced anything but that. They are so focused on how they live that they have a grim outlook on everything hoping it will somehow get better later.

To start this poem contains a lot of imagery of depression and jealousy throughout it’s entirety. The images shown really helped me understand the kind of place the narrator is in. At the beginning they describe the sky as being “pewter” which in its literal meaning is a grey tin alloy of tin and copper. The word choice was used to show that the skies are always dark point of view of the person in the poem. Imagine
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In February, the cat is a symbol for bad relationship in many different ways. The character is compares their cat to a bad relationship they are in or maybe an Ex that still comes around when they need something. They were possibly cheated on or suspected to have been cheated on by their significant other which would be the reason why they want all the other “tomcats” in the neighborhood to be castrated. The character also says how the other cats are trying to mark their territory and declare war so they can not try to take what is his or hers. In the last line of the poem “death” I believe represents the way the character felt about the winter there was no good coming from it and when spring comes it will be the start of something

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