Dept. of English
English C
Spring, 2013
Is it possible to find the origin to one’s sexuality?
Student: Sean McVey Gillion
Supervisor: Viktoria Lindström
1. Introduction
Homosexuals have under the course of history been one of the most heavily criticized groups in society; they have been harassed and declared sinners and as mentally ill for their sexual orientation. Solely for their personal sexual preferences have they been persecuted and murdered. It is understandable that scientific research aiming to discover the origin of homosexuality often is considered unethical, as there are still many religious fundamentalists and other bigoted, biased groups who would use the eventual discoveries to try to eliminate all heterosexual deviation with circumscribing means on individuals.
Today the view on homosexuality has generally improved and homosexuals are widely accepted in most modern societies as homosexuality is considered a normal sexual variety rather than an orientation emerged from evil or mental disorder. However, the question remains – why does homosexuality exist? Is homosexuality genetic or does the environment determine which gender one is attracted to? The purpose of this essay is to try to determine the cause for homosexuality.
2. Material
3.1 Environmentally linked
The psychological school has since its birth been very interested in homosexuality. It is logical that psychologists working out of a psychodynamic perspective have such an interest in homosexuality with the perspective´s great focus on sexuality´s effect on the human psyche and thereby a certain interest in norm breaking sexuality. These psychologists have been leading the field with research in homosexuality, while there have been other psychologists working out of other perspectives besides the psychodynamic with more objective studies.
A classic explanation from the psychodynamic school is that homosexuality is a