Homosexuality in a Sri Lankan Context
M.M.C Doss
Topic pages
Introduction 3-4
Chapter 1- Research Background 5-9
Chapter 2- Definition of Concepts 10-13
Chapter 3- Homophobia and Sri Lankan Society 14-22
Chapter 4- Fields of Homosexual Discrimination in Sri Lankan Society 23-27
Chapter 5- Homosexuality and the Legal Framework 28-33
Chapter 6- Conclusion- Summary and Proposals of Study 34-36
"We struggled against apartheid because we were being blamed and made to suffer for something we could do nothing about. It is the same with homosexuality. The orientation is a given, not a matter of choice. It would be crazy for someone to choose to be gay, given the homophobia that is present." (Bishop Desmond Tutu).
The above quote on homosexuality exemplifies on how homosexuality is a given and not a choice. It also exposes one’s understanding to the detrimental state of social homophobia and imposes a moral social obligation upon the society in whole
In approaching our research topic it is important to bear in mind that Sri Lankan society is a diversified social grounding. This society includes people deriving from a multiplicity of backgrounds may it be religious, ethnic or cultural. And it should be established that homosexuals have since a long time come out as a community into this wide social arena of Sri Lanka. The noteworthy aspect of homosexuals in the Sri Lankan social context is that their sexual orientation appears problematic to the local social order; as it challenges the long established norms and perceptions of gender roles. This situation is what leads to the mass society’s understanding of homosexuality as a problem or in other words a threat to the Sri Lankan social order. It is these perceptions and attitudes of people in society that leads to a process of discrimination and labeling, which may adversely
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