Presentation done by: Mars House
Different species of honey bees (4 Slides all pictures)
1. Hornets and giant stinging hornets
2. Rock bees
3. Killer bees
4. Italian bees
Different types of honey bees (1 slide)
Life cycle of a honey bee (1 slide)
Parts of the body of a honey bee (1 Slide)
Bee keeping as an activity (2 slides + 1 picture)
1. Bee-keeping or apiculture is the rearing, care and management of honey bees for obtaining honey, wax and other substances.
2. Bee-keeping needs low investments, so farmers use it as additional income generating activity.
3. Bee-keeping also helps in cross pollination of crops because honey bees transfer pollen grains from one flower to another while collecting nectar.
4. Local varieties of bees used for commercial honey production are Apis cerana indica known as Indian bee. Apis dorsata- the rock bee, Apis florae- the little bee. An Italian bee Apis mellifera has also been brought to increase yield of honey. This variety is commonly used for commercial honey production.
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Apis cerana indica- picture
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1. Apis dorsata - picture
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1. Apis florae - picture
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1. Apis mellifera- picture
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1. Nest of a Apis dorsata- picture
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1. Nest of a Apis florae- picture
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1. Nest of a Apis mellifera- picture
Products of a bee hive (1 slide)
Besides honey, other products of bee-keeping are beeswax, propolis bee venom and royal jelly.
Interesting facts on bees (3 slides)
1. Honey bees are the only insects that produce food that is consumed by humans.
2. The honey has been around for a million years.
3. A bee flies to thousands of flowers only to make a spoon of honey.
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4. A honey bee visits 50 – 100 flowers on a collection trip.
5. A hive of bees will fly 90,000 miles, the equivalent of three orbits around the earth to collect 1 kg of honey.
6. It takes one ounce of honey to fuel a bee's flight around the world.