1. Introduction
‘International relations’ is often short for IR, and it has various definitions by different people. Some people define it as the diplomatic- strategic relations of states and the characteristic focus of international relation is on issues of peace and war, cooperation and conflict. While some scholars see it as about cross-border transactions of all economic, kinds, social and political, and international relation is more likely to study the operation of non-state institution and trade negotiations (Brown and Ainley, 2005). Dahal (2011) viewed the International Relations as the collective interactions of international community, which contains individual nations and sates, inter-governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and multinational corporations. International relation is becoming significantly important for study, as it profoundly influences people’s daily life. People’s lives are being more and more international, there are huge improvements in communications and transportation, which means people come into contact with others, places opportunities, ideas and products form other countries. A better understanding of IR also gives people chances to get the answer why international issues happen in the way in which they do, meanwhile, it enable learners to comprehend the new world (Wolfrum, 2011). This essay examines three theories and their differences and similarities; they are respectively realism, institutionalism and constructivism. The background of Hong Kong, and reasons of this protest have been demonstrated by the following, after that, PEST analysis is shown. In the end, the influences of this protest on 3 levels have been analysed.
2. Literature Review
A realist sometimes names ‘structural realist’, for realists, the international system is defined by anarchy, which means there is no central authority (Waltz, 1979). States are considered as sovereign and autonomous of each other, and there is
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