My first year in high school, I decided to take advance classes. I choose history along with other core subjects to take as honors. I selected World History Honors because I want more of a challenge and a more in-depth explanation of what I’m learning. I also know Honors classes look good for colleges. I would, as well, love to prove to my parents as well that I can complete an honors class.
History, is a subject that I’ve excelled with an average grade. This school year I really want to challenge myself to my full potential. By taking this class I hope I gain new skills like better studying habits and better tests taking skills. I know already that I will get a lot more and harder assignments. I feel that I am fully …show more content…
Taking this class will show that I’m willing to work a little harder in World History. Word Honors history Honors will also prepare me for the workload in college and help me build more responsibly. Taking this class will hopefully earn me a college credit, saving me some college classes in the future.
Taking this class, I would like to show my parents that I can accomplish completing an honors class. In the past theirs have been times where I’ve messed up in school. My grades have been falling up and down on the grading scale. I want to show them that this year I’m fully focused and prepared for stepping up for my future. I know these four years determine where you stand in college and in work. I’m ready to work hard in this class and all my other classes.
My reason for taking Worlds Honors History is to have more advanced learning, have a broader explanation, prepare me for college, and prove that I can complete an honors class. I want to succeed in this class with a good grade and show myself that I can do it. Hopefully, I can rise up to the challenges and complete this class. Taking this class will help me gain more skills and learn more things. I’m looking forward to continuing World Honors