Hooters vs the EEOC
Is Hooters’ employee selection critical to the effective implementation of its strategy? Do the job specifications for Hooters restaurant servers have a discriminatory effect against male applicants? Does Hooters management appear to have a bias against males?
Response: Hooters employee selection is critical to the effective Hooter’s
primary image is that of sex appeal and the entire waitstaff is the reflection of
the company’s image. Hooters main target audience is middle age men and the
business sell wings by using the sex appeal of it’s servers. Hooters has a
reputation of having only female waitress that are very attractive with little
uniform. Even their logo resembles a female anatomy. Their whole business
model is based on those principals. Majority of the customers go there to get
served food and entertained by attractive waitress. Hooters is a major food
retailer with 400 restaurants that employe thousands of people primarily
women. These women are making a living with having a job at Hooters.
Hooters has the right to hire only female waitress because that’s their
company image and principal. Having a male waiter at Hooters just doesn’t
mix with company image. Hooters will also loose a lot of customers if they
integrate, because the majority of the customers go there for the female
waitress. That’s what makes Hooters different from the other restaurants.
There are a lot of restaurants that sell the same type foods. The customers
have a lot of choices of restaurants but Hooters customers go there because of
the all girl attractive waitress.
Hooters restaurant does not have a discriminatory against male applicants.
They are not completely segregated company. They are not biased against
male they can still have a career with Hooters. Hooters hires male applicants
for managerial, cook and busboys positions. The