In Deborah Samson’s child and teenage years were rough because she lived in poverty. It didn’t make anything any better when her father left on a expedition at sea and never came back. She was taken from her mother and was in the care of her grandparents. When her grandparents passed away she moved in with a farmer living in Middleborough. She was only ten years old and was expected to work as an indentured…
and through these choices we can learn about life’s journey. “Marigolds” explains this through its coming of age theme shown within Lizabeth’s battle between innocence and compassion. A…
She remembers her home town, Dusty, During the great depression. The only thing pretty in the town were Miss Lottie’s Marigolds. One Night, she can’t sleep and his enraged with the fact that her father is so upset. She returns to Miss Lotie’s flowers and takes her rage out on the Marigold’s. As she does this Miss Lottie comes out to her and stands over her destroying the Marigolds. She understands then the difference between childhood and maturity. She then realizes that she cannot have both compassion and innocence. This shows that when she did the horrible act of destroying Miss Lottie's Marigolds she lost her innocence and doesn’t deserve…
Novelist Edwidge Danticat contends Nanny “has craved small comforts, like sitting idly on a porch, and wants her granddaughter to have them, along with money and status, no matter what the emotional cost” (xvi). From early in her childhood, Janie strives to obey and submit to the will of her elders, regardless of her inner desire to find “her authentic self and real love” (Danticat ix). However, Nanny’s concern is that Janie will relegate herself to a life of promiscuity like her mother or, worse yet, to a life of poverty and bare subsistence unless Janie finds financial freedom through the sanctity of marriage. Nanny’s constant worry becomes the primary motive to orchestrate Janie’s marriage to Logan Killicks, an elderly but independent and financially stable farmer who offers enough provisions to spare Janie from treatment as “de mule uh de world” (Their Eyes 14). The marital arrangement is Nanny’s highest desire to protect Janie’s virtue, as well as provide a respectable alternative to the demeaning social conditions of an impoverished life. Like Nanny, Logan is the epitome of Washington’s ideal of the post- slavery African American, for Logan has “the onliest organ in town, amongst colored folks … [got] a house bought and paid for and…
Candy, Crooks and Curley’s wife’s situations were all examples of what occurred in the 1930’s as a result of the discrimination during that time. Because of this common lifestyle, people were often lonely and either accepted their situation and secluded themselves from society like Crooks, or refused to admit defeat and strived to connect with others in the same way as Candy and Curley’s wife did. Either way, all characters during the economic crisis lived a lonely and depressing life. And in a sense, the Great Depression was the kickstart for a great deal of depression in…
Sometimes it seems as though the most privileged people are the weakest because they are not prepared to fall. “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck is a short novel that focuses on the hardship of living in California during the Great Depression. Some may agree that the main conflict in this novel is the misfortune of a kind-hearted barley bucker, Lennie, but a greater theme lies under the pages. The real hardship goes to Lennie’s best friend, George, who’s worst fear is being lonely because his heart is weak and needs someone to lean on when times get tough.…
Summon a vision of yourself in a crowded setting, surrounded by white men, women, children and seniors. With that image carved, draw yourself as a young African American in the 1960s, despised by the white man. Though you stick out like a sore thumb, eyes glance past you, blinded in your midst. An ‘outcast’ has now become your terminal label- segregated, judged, despised. Does this story sound familiar? Yes, it does, as millions of books in the 21st century alone, have exhibited these themes. While eloquently written, Melba Patillo Beals unoriginality in the subject of hardships in African American lives in the time of severe oppression makes this story a tale told too often, which should not be exposed to a classroom of easily distracted teenagers.…
During the 1920’s, one million African Americans moved north in hope of seeking a better life. However, it is unimaginable to do so at the age of 18, having to raise enough money to move and provide for your family. In the story, Black Boy, by Richard Wright, Richard overcomes a series of obstacles in a prejudice, southern environment. Richard lived in a predominately black community and was left in awe when he had first been exposed to racism. He is persecuted and chastised for his ethnicity and skin color, making it extremely hard for him to succeed. As he matures into adulthood, his mother is left paralyzed on the left side of her body. Because of this, Richard must fend and provide for himself as well as his mother and brother. Richard…
Richard Frethorne, an indentured servant, a young man forced to grow up in a challenging area known as Colonial Virginia. Becoming an indentured servant, one must sign a contract giving them a working environment hoping for some land in return once the contract has expired. Depending on age, one would typically work for around five years. Richard Frethorne wrote this letter to his parents back home describing his struggles, his thoughts and opinions, and work environment. Richard Frethorne was forced to work throughout the day’s and night’s with little to no water and perhaps a mouthful of bread to end his day. Death by starvation was just over the horizon, and for many, it killed them. Exhaustion, disease and even constant attacks from the natives killed many of the workers. Colonial Virginia is a newly formed colony, with majority of workers fighting their way to survive in their unpleasant work environment, trust was out the window. Many would steal food and clothing from others, mainly from people who have became sick and weak with distress. Coming from England, Richard had no idea on how much of a struggle he would have to go through in order just to survive the working conditions. In his letter Richard stated, “…that I have eaten more in a day at home than I have allowed me here for a weeke.” This quote had me thinking how hard it really must have been for Richard to even survive a month, I couldn’t’ even do that, but luckily he came across a couple who lends a helping hand. A sense of family is found in the new world due to this couple, though they too are struggling. The tone and desperation of this letter became clear once I read “But this is Certaine I never felt the want of ffather an mother till now,…” He is a child crying for his parents, wanting to go back home , “…I beg of you to helpe me.” These two quotes basically sums up the whole letter, his whole tone of the letter, and the way he feels about being an indentured servant. His cry for help to…
felt remorseful and couldn’t sleep. Later that night she decides to go back and let her anger out on the rest of the beautiful flowers. While she is ripping them out of the soil, she looks up only to see Ms. Lottie staring at her. She feels very embarrassed and starts to cry. After this event is when she finally kicked the childish habits out of her life and became a young woman (Collier).…
The book began in a child’s point of view, perfectly told, of growing up in rural Mississippi in the 1940s. She described the landscape, the people, and her own emotions with perfect clarity. While showing racism from the perspective of a child, she included her parents’ divorce following the constant moving of her family due to the fact that her mother struggled to feed the family on her own.…
Physician assisted suicide is a dangerous and an immoral choice for a patient to choose. There are many reasons why physician assisted suicide is a bad idea. For example, mistakes are made by doctors, it is a violation of the hippocratic oath, and there are other options that patients can choose. Physician assisted suicide may feel like the only option for a patient but there are many other options that a patient can choose.…
During the mid-1800s, it was challenging being a slave. Belonging to another human being instead of being free brought numerous hardships African Americans had to endure. It brought about unimaginable pain, frustration, disruption, and stress. In America, slavery was glorified, even though, families were separated and destroyed. Slavery made it tedious to have stability in families because of the effects it had on the African American people. After reading “How Affected African American Families” and “Narrative of Jenny Proctor,” slavery caused African American families to cope with separation, unfair marriage stipulations, horrible living condition, mistreatment and labor, and also the ending of slavery.…
While white woman have been on this world born just as man was, people still disrespect them in many ways. Racism and discrimination still exists to this day “In my opinion, had I been African-American, they would not have fired me,"(Shira Hedgepeth, former director of academic technology at Winston-Salem State University), According to Shira Hedgepeth she worked at an all black college for three years (August 2008 to July 2011) she got fired one day due to the University “Going in a different Direction” (according to an EEOC letter to the university dated Sept. 20.). These things are some obstacles that white woman had to face. In the story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck there was a character named Curley, he had a wife who didn’t have a name. She was abused, she stayed at home and she did not work. When she was younger, someone gave her the opportunity to become an actress and she thinks her mother hid her letter of acceptance. Curley’s wife did not work because at that time there was discrimination in two ways, because she was a woman, and because she didn’t have the education to work. Curley beat on is wife, maybe because he felt more powerful than her due to the fact that she is a woman, or that he is just always angry. Curley’s wife wanted to experience the American Dream to go out and work. For years white woman did not work, but stayed in the house and were house keepers. White woman wanted to experience the American dream, and were treated unequal for a long time until the 19th amendment passed. They went through tough obstacles like education, discrimination, and sexism.…
In the rural south in the years 1880- 1995, women worked with the new hope that their sons and daughters would one day escape from the southern staple-crop economy, with its connected hardships and saddened opportunities. Maud Lee Bryant whom was a farm wife from North Carolina stated: “My main object of working was wanting the children to have a better way of living, that the world might be just a little better because the Lord had me here for something, and I tried to make good out of it, that was my aim”. Although in these woman’s words I find a great amount of pain, her strength is very visible. It is obvious that no matter how hard her life is, she tries to see her hardships as opportunities instead of feeling sorry for herself. A large amount of sharecroppers rarely stayed on the same plantation for more than a year or two for the reason being that their quest for household and group anatomy represented the tangible legacy of slavery. Although black families worked large amounts of hours they achieved neither consumer status nor total self-sufficiency due to the repressive labor system they worked for. It is right to say that black women were living a life of irony, although black women would pick cotton all day, they were never able to wear a cotton dress because of their low income and although they would work in agriculture as well, they barely survived on inadequate protein-deficient diets. Although blacks represented one-third of the southern population and 40 percent of its farmers and farm laborers, they were by no means the only penniless agricultural group. In 1910, nine-tenths of all southern black who made their living from the soil worked as tenants, sharecroppers, or contract laborers and most barely eked out enough in cotton to pay for rent, food, and supplies. During these years, a system by which a dominant…