“Sham.” Something that is not exactly as purported to be. In multiple …show more content…
magazine covers, such as Vanity Fair or Vogue, idealistic expectations are being represented, especially when it comes to body standards. Slim waists. Thigh gaps. Flawless skin. Young girls of this modern day world are sadly given the idea that if they do not achieve these unrealistic expectations, they will not be happy. On the other hand, many individuals speak negatively upon the women you see on magazine covers. They may even consider them “evil” for presenting body standards that are unrealistic and deceiving. Sadly, the women you see on these covers, suffer on a day-to-day basis with dieting, excessive working out, and possibly surgery to appear admirable. In the end, they may appear perfect and flawless, but they are miserable from all the extreme measures taken to achieve their outstanding looks. They struggle to reach their goal, just to be belittled, objectified and judged by society. “Sham” gives us an expectation of greatness and confidence, but it turns out to be quite the opposite. Through sham, we become apart of a cycle of disappointments. We work hard for what we want, yet once we achieve it, it’s not as incredible as it seems.
The act of endless work which an individual can never complete can also be called “sisyphean.” This term derives from the greek legend of Sisyphus. Sisyphus was a man who lived in the city of Corinth, who was condemned to roll a rock up to the top of a mountain, just to have the rock roll back down each time. The eternity of futile and tedious work is suggested by Albert Camus, author of “The myth of Sisyphus”, as “hideous punishment” or even “hopeless struggle”. The origin of the cause of Corinth’s punishment comes in multiple variations. From disclosing information on a kidnapping of a mortal woman that Zeus committed in reward for a freshwater spring, to enchaining the spirit of death so that no human would die. In “This Myth of Sisyphus”, Camus talks about his fascination with Sisyphus’ state of mind. As the rock rolls back down after the tiring labor, he momentarily becomes aware of his hopeless fate. He experiences moments of sorrow as he reminisces on the world he left behind. He hopes for happiness, all while knowing the slim possibility of achieving it. Sisyphean brings individuals to hopeless labor that will bring them nowhere. People can constantly work on something, yet experiencing the frustration of the impossibility of …show more content…
“Tragedy”. An event that includes only destruction, fatality, distress, and great suffering. During the 1930s, the United States suffered The Great Depression, which was caused after a major fall in stock market prices. Workers were laid off, investments were postponed, wages were cut. Multiple groups of people were affected; men, women, children, poor, rich. The United States became the land of hopelessness. Many citizens gree miserable, desperate, and even concluded to death. Suicide rates rose, crime rate rapidly come on the rise as the unemployed resorted to robbing to survive. Many women entered the world of prostitution to simply pay bills. Amongst these very few tragedies, many other tragic effects of The Great Depression took place. This tragedy affected millions of people, broken hopes and dreams were all they were composed of. No future of positive outcome came to mind. All the citizens of America did was suffer during this time. Tragedy destroys the ambition and happiness of many individuals. Perhaps, tragedy resides us in a state of mind that keeps us from conquering what could possibly destroy us.
A feeling in which someone may expect their most desired outcome. Modern day models, Sisyphus, citizens of the U.S during The Great Depression, they all have two things in common: suffering and hope. Each and every single one of these individuals have suffered through the most indescribably pain one could endure. Yet, in the end, they were benefited. Models of this day get paid millions of dollars and never have to suffer with debt or being broke. In the end, despite the extreme measures taken to accomplish their success, the are still praised for the beauty and creativity they have represented. Sisyphus on the other hand, never achieved an improved lifestyle. But as time passed, acceptance and hopefulness brought him to be successfully joyful with his life. Through accepting his punishment for his absurdity, both his sorrow and melancholy vanished. Also, in the poem of Desiderata, the reader becomes informed of how to remain happy and optimistic through times of oppression. This poem was mainly targeted for those who were experiencing The Great Depression. Desiderata brings hope and beauty into perspective, as those who are in despair, deserve to be able to cherish the wonders of this world. Hope is what keeps us optimistic and grateful for what this unexplainable world could do. Hope, in a sense, is relieving and ad we only hope for the best and cherish the extraordinary things of this world, negative thoughts no longer come to
To conclude, despite all the negativity that evolved around our world, all the tiring labor, and all the tragedies that burden us, there is still beauty found. There will always be sunshine and rainbows, only if one chooses to allow themselves to open up to this perspective. If they choose to embrace all the magnificence this world has to offer, hope comes into play. So, even if an individual suffers, if they appreciate the positive aspects, they may become happy and hopeful.