a student that has went to an affluent professional school, they expressed learning though creativity. (Aynon 172) Teachers used creativity to help inspire students to do new things. This help the students is more open of thinking in what they want to do. This means if education was more creative and more open, to what children experience in society. In order for education to have consistency, barriers such as discrepancies have to be away from it.
The major discrepancy that Anyon finds is education based on your social class. Which means the lower of social class a school has translates to lower the education is. For instance the different five schools that Aynon show characteristics of work being completed by: following procedure (Aynon 167), correct answer (Aynon 170), independent creative activity (Aynon 172), and analytical intellectual power. (Aynon 175). From this, the discrepancies are the different types of learning and work that are to affect how students’ progress differently. Teachers should be more consistent to having a curriculum that implements creativity and equal ways of learning. This can influences students’ progress and do in
society. Benefits in education can outweigh the sacrifices of having one. Aynon indicated the school a student was mostly reflected based on social class. These will most likely effect on what the children profession will be in the future. This is same way as such that if a student went to highly recognized university. They will benefit of getting a better education but they have to sacrifice tuition in student loan debt. Either though it is a sacrifice, the colleague will benefit getting a better salary and education than a high school graduate. Students are more successful when teachers and educators use any advantages, consistencies, and benefits can make education the great equalizer. Educators should made standards more efficient for every student to have so society could be better. The issue with society and education is how students are preparing for college and future careers. Education should not be heavily depended on career readiness but also for college readiness. Society will be in a better order.