The story depicts a couple full of love and passion. After having three baby boys who all become ill and lose the majority their cognitive ability, the couple is distraught, their hope for a better life having decreased greatly. A few years later they conceive a child who remains healthy through the majority of her childhood, until her brothers find her and decapitate her. At this point the parents are completely stripped of their belief in a promise for a better life.
Additionally, there are hints of the literary theme of magical realism in this text. Magical realism seeks the union of opposites such as life and death or urban and rural. In this story, magical realism is seen through the joining of intense loss and intense gain. It is almost magical and otherworldy the extremely levels of joy that they experience through the birth of their daughter joined with the deep level of loss through her death. At the same time, the story is depicting the real life events of a family bringing in the realism literary