Horizontal Analysis
Patton-Fuller Community Hospital
Balance sheet
December 31, 2009 and 2008
Assets 2009 2008 Percentage
Total Current Assets 127,867 130,026 -1.7%
Other Assets 459900 418480 9.88%
Total Assets 587767 548535 7%
Liabilities 2009 2008 Percentage
Total Current Liabilities 23807 8380 184%
Other Liabilities 438346 205069 114%
Equity 125614 335085 -62.51%
Total Liabilities and Equity 587767 548534 7.15%
The Patton Fuller Community Hospital increase its assets from 2008 to 2009 by 7% based on the numbers in the balance sheet. The Total Liabilities and Assets increased by 7.15% in 2009. We were unable to perform an analysis on the statement of income as there was only the current year’s data to analyze.
Vertical Analysis
Patton-Fuller Community Hospital
Balance Sheet
Assets 2009 % 2008 %
Total Current Assets 127,867 21.75 % 130,026 23.7%
Other Assets 459900 78.25 418480 76.3
Total Assets 587767 100% 548535 100%
Liabilities 2009 % 2008 %
Total Current Liabilities 23807 4% 8380 1.53%
Other Liabilities 438346 75% 205069 37.38%
Equity 125614 21% 335085 61.1%
Total Liabilities and Equity 587767 100% 548534 100%
Current Assets decreased in 2009 to 21.75 from 23.7 in 2008. Other assets increased from 76.3 in 2008 to 78.25 in 2009. Total Current Liabilities increased in 2009 from 1.53% in 2008 to 4%. There was also an increase in 2009 with other liabilities to 75% up from 37.38% in 2008. Shareholders’ Equity decreased from 61.1% in 2008 to 21% in 2009.
Unable to complete a vertical analysis on the Statement of Income as there as only the current year’s data.