When the skin is touched, the membrane is deformed and (8) ___________________-gated channels open thus allowing the – (9) efflux / influx (circle or highlight one) – of (10) _______________________ ions. This causes a membrane potential change known as (11) ___________________________, which brings the membrane potential closer to the point at which the action potential will occur. If (12) ___________________ (the voltage at which an action potential is generated) is reached at the (13) ______________ ________ (area) of the neuron, then an action potential will be generated because (14) ________________________-gated (15) ________________ (ion) channels will open. The – (16) efflux / influx (circle or highlight one) – of these ions will cause more channels to open, moving the membrane potential further from its resting condition. This is an example of – (17) negative / positive (circle or highlight
When the skin is touched, the membrane is deformed and (8) ___________________-gated channels open thus allowing the – (9) efflux / influx (circle or highlight one) – of (10) _______________________ ions. This causes a membrane potential change known as (11) ___________________________, which brings the membrane potential closer to the point at which the action potential will occur. If (12) ___________________ (the voltage at which an action potential is generated) is reached at the (13) ______________ ________ (area) of the neuron, then an action potential will be generated because (14) ________________________-gated (15) ________________ (ion) channels will open. The – (16) efflux / influx (circle or highlight one) – of these ions will cause more channels to open, moving the membrane potential further from its resting condition. This is an example of – (17) negative / positive (circle or highlight