Hormones are chemical messages that are sent through the bloodstream to regulate behaviors. Only hormones target cells can react to the hormone. The hormone will bind itself to the …show more content…
receptor inside the cell which causes a biological response within the cell. There are 2 main different types of hormones, Steroids hormones, and Peptides and Protein hormones. Some examples of Steroid hormones are: cortisol, estradiol, and testosterone(Nelson,2017). These types regulate metabolism, blood pressure, and the salt and water balance in your body. Some examples of Peptides and Protein hormones are: oxytocin, prolactin, thyroxine, and vasopressin(Nelson, 2017). These hormones help with tissue building, and contractions during birth.
There are many differences in the sex hormones between males and females. The male sex hormone is testosterone. During puberty, testosterone helps with the changes, growth, and development of: the penis and testicles, depending of the voice, growth of body, pubic, and facial hair, and the building of muscles, and the strengthening of bones(Endocrine Society, 2017). Testosterone also is the hormone that promotes the sex drive in males. The main female hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Woman also produce testosterone in their ovaries; the production of this testosterone help with the production of Estrogen. Estrogen helps with regulation of the menstrual cycle, develope female sex organs, and thicken the lining of the uterus for pregnancy, as well as, promoting the sex drive in women; the testosterone produced in the ovaries help with the production of estrogen; progesterone also helps regulate the menstrual cycle and supports a woman during pregnancy(McCoy, 2015).
“Aggressive behaviors increase at the time of puberty(Nelson, 2017).” This is more seen in males when levels of androgens a rise in the blood, and the testicales begin to produce sperm which causes an increase in aggressive behaviors.
In nearly every species, males are more aggressive than females. When is aggressive behavior seen and why? When a person or multiple people have a conflict of interests is usually when you can see aggressiveness. Another factor to why males are generally more aggressive when they are older is because parents engage in more rough play with infant males.
In Romeo and Juliet most of the main characters were aggressive and or lustful. There is Romeo who loved a mysterious woman, Roselin, but then sees Juliet and falls madly in love with here, but was it love or lust? Next, there is Tybalt. He was a character that right from the start wanted to fight. Then there is Mercutio. He wanted Romeo to fight Tybalt even though Romeo did not want to. So instead Mercutio fought him and that brought him to his death. Now there is Juliet. She all of a suddenly got a lot of attention from Romeo and some of this attention was sexual. That is
Hormones can affect you and your body in many different ways. Two ways are aggressive and sexual behavior. There are different sex hormones for males and females, but they both have a similar function, controlling your sexual desires. One someone starts puberty they will show more aggression is more commonly seen in males. You can see both sexual and aggressive behaviors in the character of Romeo and Juliet, some more than others.