1. Abstract Page PG. 2
2. Acknowledgements PG. 3
3. Introduction PG. 4
- 4. History of the Horror Genre PG. 5 - 9 - 5. Slasher Films and the Gender roles PG. 9 - 13 - 6. Comedy Horror PG. 13 - 16 - 7. Postmodernism and the Horror Film PG. 16 - 18 - 8. Case Study: Scream Vs. Scary Movie PG. 18 - 22
9. Conclusion PG. 23
Bibliography PG. 25 - 27
1. Abstract Page
I have researched on the Horror genre, looking at when it begun, the decline in popularity it has foreseen and how it has been able to recreate itself each time. I looked at comedy horror films and what part it plays within the film industry.
I found that parody films like Scream are made to reinvent the genre. It quotes previous horror films as well as re-enact a horror story. I also found that pastiche films like Scary Movie are solely to entertain the audience. It is to make the audience see the funny side to a horror movie.
I look at previous dissertations based on my topic and went to the BFI Library to find more information on my chosen topic.
2. Acknowledgements
I would like to say Thank you to Dr. Vincent Montgomery for his advice and knowledge into the Spoof Horror films.
3. Introduction
This dissertation will aim to discuss and analyse the Horror genre and how it has crossed over into the comedy sector. The various types of horror subjects will be discussed as well as looking at the comedy horror films. I will identify classic Horror movies like Nosferatu, Halloween and Scream and where they fit in the history of the genre. The female roles within the horror films will be identified and discussed as to whether the female role was a weak or powerful statement. The impact comedy horror films have on the Horror genre will be looked at. I will look at whether Horror films now have the same effect that it had on audiences as it did when they
Bibliography: ▪ Paul Wells, The Horror Genre: From Beelzebub to Blair Witch, Wallflower, 2000 ▪ Tom Johnson, Censored Screams: The British Ban on Hollywood horror in the thirties, MacFarland, 2006 ▪ Carlos Clarens, Horror Movies: an illustrated survey –Rev. and enl. Ed, Secker and Warburg, 1968 ▪ Laura Pietropaolo and Ada Testaferri, Feminisms in the Cinema, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995 ▪ Matthew Cremer, Dissertation: Evolution of a Pathology: A critical Examination of Black Comedy and Social, 2004 ▪ Scream and Scream again (video recording): a history of the slasher film, Channel 4, 2002 videocassette ▪ Ken Gelder, The Horror Reader, London: Routledge, 2000 ▪ J ▪ Gregory Light, Dissertation: The Slasher horror film: antecedents, context, and paradigms, 2006 ▪ Charles Jencks, 1939- what is Post-modernism? 3rd rev ▪ Christopher Butler, 1940- Postmodernism: a very short introduction, Oxford University Press, 2002v ▪ http://www.jahsonic.com/Horror.html- A history of horror as genre ▪ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horror_film - Wikipedia: Horror film ▪ Mark Jancovich, Horror: The Film Reader, BFI, Routledge, 2001 ▪ Paul William, Laughing, Screaming: modern Hollywood, horror and comedy, BFI, Columbia University Press, 1994 ▪ Roy Huss, TJ Ross, Focus on the Horror Film, BFI, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1972 ▪ Carol J. Clover, Men, Women and Chainsaws, Gender in Modern Horror Film, 1993 ▪ http://www.cinemademerde.com/Essay-Final_Girl.shtml - Is the Final Girl an Excuse?, 2006 ▪ http://www.horschamp.qc.ca/new_offscreen/final_girl.html - The Final Girl: A Few Thoughts on Feminism and Horror, 2002 ▪ Stephen Prince, The Horror Film, 2004 ▪ http://comm2.fsu.edu/faculty/comm/Sapolsky/research/bookch/slasher.html - Sex and Violence in Slasher Films ▪ John Hill, ‘Film and Postmodernism’, in the Oxford Guide to Film Studies, 1998 ▪ Barry Keith Grant, The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film, University of Texas Press, 1996 ▪ Wes Cavern, Scream (DVD), 1996 ▪ Keenen Ivory Wayans, Scary Movie (DVD), 2001 ▪ Robin Wood, Hitchcock’s Films, 3rd Edition, Revised and Enlarged, The Tantivy Press, 1977 2. Jancovich, M., (2001), Horror The Film Reader, P 3 23 6. Clover, C.J., (1992) Men, Women, Chainsaws Gender in Modern Horror Film, P 233 7 8. Light, G., (2006) The Slasher Horror Film; Antecedents, Context and Paradigms, P 27 9 13.Wells, P., (2000), op, cit., P 28 10 (3) Johnson, T., (1997), Censored Screams: The British Ban on Hollywood Horror in the Thirties P 4 19 20. Hill, John (1998), op cit., P 101 21 22. Ibid, (2007) – Postmodernism and Film, 14 18. Jencks, C., (1986), What is Post-modernism? P 7 (5) http://www.jahsonic.com/Horror.html - A history of Horror as Genre 11. Prince, S., (2004), The Horror Film, Stephen Prince, P 189 12 15. Prince, S., (2004), op, cit., P 112 16 17. Grant, B.K., (1996) The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror film, P 71 (4) Wood