[pic] seminal trace...Horsetail Extract.CAS.NO.071011-23-9.Silica,Vegetal Silica 7%HPLC.Equisetum arvense extract,Equiseti herba,CAS.NO:1343-98-2;7631-86-9.Horsetail Grass Extract,Equisetum hyemale; Shavegrass. Equisetum arvense, extract;Horsetail (equisetium arvense) extract... [pic]
[pic] Botanical Basic Data of Horsetail.
[pic] Common horsetail,plant description.
[pic] Horsetail origin and class.
[pic] Part Used Medicinally of horsetail.
[pic] Constituents and phytochemicals of Horsetail.
[pic] Applications of Horsetail Products.
[pic] Therapeutics and Pharmacology of horsetail.
[pic] Action, Medical Uses,and Dosage of horsetail.
[pic] Horsetail from Ancient toModern times.
[pic] Botanical Basic Data of Horsetail.
Scientific Name:Equisetum arvense (L) ,Equisetum arvense Order: Equisetaceae Latin Name: Equisetum Arvense Pharmacopeial Name: Equiseti herba Botanical Source:Equisetum arvense (L) Other Common Name: Common horsetail,bottlebrush, field horsetail, shave grass, shavetail grass,Field Horsetail, At Quyroughi, Atkuyrugu, Chieh Hsu Ts 'Ao, Cola De Caballo, Equiseto Menor, Kilkah Asb, Prele, Sugina,Bottle-brush, Corn Horsetail, Dutch rushes, Equiseto Menor, Field Horsetail, Horsetail, Horsetail Rush, Mare 's tail, Paddock-pipes, Pewterwort, Scouring Rush, Shave-grass, Thanab Al Khail, Vara De Oro, Wen Ching Family Name:Equisetaceae Chromosome information. 2n = 216 (approximately). Taste and smell: Fairly bland, slightly sweetish. Tendencies: Cooling and drying. Parts used:Sterile spring stems. the sterile stems (the shoots, those appearing in summer; not the brownish fertile stems that appear in early spring bearing terminal cones). Collection: mid- to late summer. Related Species:Equisetum laevigatum, Braun, Equisetum robustum, Braun, Equisetum arvense, Linn. Common Horsetail.This species puts forth its sterile stems after the appearance
References: 1.what is horsetail(Equisetum arvense (L)) and it 's super function? [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] Claims & Warning: Claims: Information this web site presented is meant for Nutritional Benefit and as an educational starting point only, for use in maintenance and promotion good health in cooperation with a common knowledge base reference...Furthermore,it based solely on the traditional and historic use or legend of a given herb from the garden of Adonis. Although every effort has been made to ensure its accurate, please note that some info may be outdated by more recent scientific developments...... Pharmakon Warning: The order of knowledge is not the transparent order of forms and ideas,as one might be tempted retrospectively to interpret it; it is the antidote....(Dissemination,Plato 's Pharmacy,II.The Ingredients:Phantasms,Festivals,and Paints;138cf. Jacques Derrida.). And as it happens,the technique of imitation,along with the production of the simulacrum,has always been in Plato 's eyes manifestly magical,thaumaturgical:......and the same things appear bent and straight to those who view them in water and out,or concave and convex,owing to similar errors of vision about colors, and there is obviously every confusion of this sort in our souls.And so scene painting (skiagraphia) in its exploitation of this weakness of four nature falls nothing short of witchcraft (thaumatopoia), and so do jugglery and many other such contrivances.(Republic X,602c-d;cf.also 607c). |[pic][pic][pic] | |[pic] | |[pic] |