They form an important part of society and account for the stability of social order, and provide the general guidelines for conduct, and they also facilitate social control. Values are the criteria people use in assessing their daily lives, arranging priorities and choosing between alternative courses of action. They are values which are largely unconscious, but define what is right and important, they are the general guidelines for the behaviour of people. In the past, honesty, sincerity, truthfulness and piety were regarded as social values, and adopting unfair means in any walk of life for any reason whatsoever was regarded as wrong and in extreme case, it was considered …show more content…
Hunt added that ‘In the 1970s there were about 2000 deaths a year from airline crashes, and the industry soon realised that it would go out of business if people became too scared to fly’. Now the global figure for that industry is around 500 casualties, even though there is nine times as much air travel. He said the key to change in the airline industry had been to encourage pilots to speak out about possible threats to safety; so there was need to urgently introduce the same protocols to the Health Service. These reforms followed a long campaign by The Sunday Telegraph ‘Heal our Hospitals’ which in 2009 called for a public enquiry into the Mid Staffs hospital crisis, where poor care had gone undetected for many years because warnings from staff were always